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No Blurry and Dark Photos!


Don't take a picture with your phone. It's best to take a picture of your pet with a DSLR or point and shoot. If you don't have access to one make sure your pet is outdoors in the shade or in a well lit room with no hard shadows. 

Up Close and Natural Light

If you want a pet portrait of just their bust get up close. The whole head should fit in the photo with a bit of the neck showing. 


Go outside and get the natural coloring of your dog. This is the true color of my Shiba Inu dog 


For a whole body shot all parts of the pet should show. If not possible for whatever reason then the more pictures the better

When In Doubt Send Lots of Photos

This would be the perfect photo! If you can get your pet in front of a door or window the lighting is perfect. I took this photo of my Shiba Inu in the sliding glass door


If for whatever reason you can not capture a good photo send as many as you have. Bombard me with 20+ photos if you must so I can get color, markings, all parts, and a good pose



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Tips To Get The Best Pet Portrait

Getting a likeness for pet portraits the most important part is a great photo. There is no way I can create the perfect pet portrait with blurry, dark, cut off, small, weird lighting, or other sort of problems. No worries here are some tips to ensure you get the best result. 


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